159 - Chemical Compatibility
Industrial Grade Plastic Tanks - Bailiff Enterprises
    Doublewalltank.com Chemicals

Chemical Compatibility of common Resins, Fittings, Gaskets and Metals

  RESINS: Here is how works with plastics used to make our storage tanks. .
...... HDPE.. ($):
...... POLYPROPYLENE ($$):
...... NYLON ($$$):
...... PVDF ($$$$):

  FITTINGS: Here is how works with the plastics used for fittings for double wall storage tanks.  
...... HDPE:
...... PVC:  
...... CPVC:
...... PVDF:

  GASKETS: Here is how works with the gasket and O-ring material.
...... BUNA-N:
...... EPDM:
...... VITON(r):

... METAL: Here is how works with the metals used for fittings and bolts.
...... STAINLESS STEEL: 316:
...... TITANIUM:
...... ALUMINUM:
  This chemical compatibility information has been supplied by reputable sources to assist you.  It should ONLY be taken as a guide and not as gospel.  It is the ultimate responsibility of the user to verify the appropriateness of the materials with your particular application.  Bear in mind that other factors including temperature, pressure, concentration and others can also have an effect on how equipment will work with your storage situation.
  While Bailiff Enterprises works to supply the best information, we do not warrant (neither express or implied) that this chemical compatibility is complete or accurate.
Our tanks are made in the USA. Send us an email.   Sales - 936-228-1520 We accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCardWe accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCard.We accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCard.
Tank Chemical Compatibility
Industrial Grade Plastic Tanks - Bailiff Enterprises
    Doublewalltank.com Chemicals

Chemical Compatibility of common Resins, Fittings, Gaskets and Metals

  RESINS: Here is how works with plastics used to make our storage tanks.
...... HDPE ($):
...... POLYPROPYLENE ($$):
...... NYLON ($$$):
...... PVDF ($$$$):

  FITTINGS: Here is how works with the plastics used for fittings for double wall storage tanks.  
...... HDPE:
...... PVC:  
...... CPVC:
...... PVDF:

  GASKETS: Here is how works with the gasket and O-ring material.
...... BUNA-N:
...... EPDM:
...... VITON(r):

... METAL: Here is how works with the metals used for fittings and bolts.
...... STAINLESS STEEL: 316:
...... TITANIUM:
...... ALUMINUM:
  This chemical compatibility information has been supplied by reputable sources to assist you.  It should ONLY be taken as a guide and not as gospel.  It is the ultimate responsibility of the user to verify the appropriateness of the materials with your particular application.  Bear in mind that other factors including temperature, pressure, concentration and others can also have an effect on how equipment will work with your storage situation.
  While Bailiff Enterprises works to supply the best information, we do not warrant (neither express or implied) that this chemical compatibility is complete or accurate.
Our tanks are made in the USA. Send us an email.   Sales - 936-228-1520 We accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCardWe accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCard.We accept AMEX, Visa and MasterCard.